

The Jubilee Indulgence becomes a real way of representing God's mercy overstepping the limits of human justice, making them new right up to the present moment. This treasury of graces had entered human history through the prophets of Jesus and the saints. These people solemnly interpret the demands of that grace in our hearts, presenting our very wish for forgiveness as effective. The Jubilee indulgence frees our hearts from the burden of sin since, freely and generously, the reparation due for our misdeeds is gracefully provided.

Practically speaking, experiencing the mercy of God can be translated into doing certain spiritual activities proposed by the Pope. Even when people are not able to go on the Jubilee pilgrimage because of sickness or for some other reason, they are encouraged to participate in the spiritual journey that goes with the Jubilee year by offering their daily sufferings and joining the Eucharistic celebration.