Latest News about Vatican Museum

How many acres do the Vatican Gardens occupy? ❒ Vatican Museum

How many acres do the Vatican Gardens occupy?

Today we are going to discover the Vatican Gardens, one of the most attractive and fascinating places in the city of Rome and the Vatican State. The size of this space, rich in floral, artistic and historical beauty, currently counts an extension of at least 23 hectares, equal to 0.44 km². Within the Holy See, this area covers the area between the south and northwest of the small papal state.

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The work

The work "Peter's Boat" lands Oct. 10 at the Vatican Museums

Last March 15th, Pope Francis graciously presented an impressive sailboat measuring approximately 9 meters in length and 2 meters in width. This magnificent vessel will soon be permanently displayed at the base of the Via del Mare, a modern helicoidal ramp that serves as an exhibition route showcasing various boat models from all corners of the globe.

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