Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano Lights the Lamp of Peace in Loreto

During the reverent commemorative festivities of the Nativity of Mary, special recognition will be given to Minister of Cultural Heritage Gennaro Sangiuliano. On Sept. 8 he will be tasked with lighting the Lamp of Peace at the headquarters of the Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto.

At 10 a.m. the day will begin with a seminar to be held in the Macchi Room of the Apostolic Palace. The minister will provide insights on "The Way of Beauty: an immanent interpretive itinerary toward peace." The event will be attended by esteemed experts, such as Barbara Jatta, director of the Vatican Museums and president of the Lorenzo Lotto Study Center. The seminar aims to investigate how beauty can contribute to the advancement of peace and unity.

Lampada di Loreto

Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, a prominent name in the Italian cultural world, will share his thoughts and concepts on the interaction between beauty, culture and peace. Moderating the seminar will be Gerardo Villanacci, president of the Superior Council of Cultural Heritage and Landscape and professor at the Marche Polytechnic University. It will also be possible to admire Lorenzo Lotto's painting depicting the Battle of St. Michael with Lucifer, which recently underwent restoration under the guidance of the esteemed specialist from Bergamo, Alberto Sangalli.

At 11:30 a.m. a sober celebration will take place in the Shrine at which Monsignor Fabio Dal Cin, papal delegate, will preside. It is at this event that Minister Sangiuliano will light the Lamp of Peace, which will then be reverently laid in the Holy House. This symbolic act signifies the quest for peace and tranquility, ideals that Mary personifies with exceptional precision.

Precisely at 12:30 p.m., the minister will address those present on the Basilica parvis, emphasizing the importance of cultivating tranquility through artistic expression and aesthetic appeal. The ceremony will conclude with the sanctification of Air Force aircraft, which will pay homage to Our Lady of Loreto, patroness of aviators.

The words and presence of Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano on this significant day remind us of the importance of cultivating peace and beauty through culture and spirituality. The Lamp of Peace will remain lit as a symbol of hope in the Holy House of Loreto, inspiring future generations to strive for a more harmonious, peaceful and just world.
